Realising Potential, Achieving Goals

Youth Entrepreneurial Services

Realising potential, achieving goals – this is the vision of Impact Communities and it is a vision that is being met.  It is to the credit of our staff and volunteers that every week we have stories to share of people realising their potential and achieving their goals.

This week saw the Youth Entrepreneurial Services (YES) initiative feature on Southern Cross News as a program that gets young people into work. Take a look at the clip below to see Participants confidently speaking in front of the camera as to the impact YES has had on their lives. This past fortnight one YES Participant who has never worked before gained employment at two retailers at Northgate Shopping Centre who have been able to observe her skills at our YES pop-up stall.

Evaluation feedback has also been received from a school that has participated in the Families And Schools Together (FAST) program. The evaluation shows that this program saw a reduction of conflict in families by 70%, 90% of parents reported better relationships with their children and 90% of parents had an increase in community social relationships. When asked what was most valuable about their FAST experience parents said “Being able to do things with other families, meet new people, have fun and have a laugh” and a comment on what was most helpful, “Yes, it made it more apparent how important it is to have one on one time with your child”.

In the coming weeks close to 15 families who have participated in FAST over the past 8 weeks will graduate from the program.

Thank you to all involved in the work we do and the fun we have. To our families and young people who have participated in these programs, we wish you every success.

Happy Easter from Impact Communities, we hope the break is enjoyable.